Dear Clients,
Greetings to every one on St Patricks Day. I thought I would pen a letter from home to let you all know that I am doing well and making a recovery all be it slower than I would like. Many thanks for all your lovely cards and letters and presents that you sent me. They cheered me up no end and put a big smile on my face. Gretta has been keeping me company at home instead of helping out at Ani Medics. She misses all her best buddies!!
I am sure all the pets are out enjoying the Spring weather. I noticed my 10-year-old cat jumping around like a kitten the other day playing with a leaf. Spring has definitely sprung!
Hopefully I will see you all soon.
Beannachtaí Lá Fhéile Phádraig daoibh go léir. (Happy St Patrick’s Day to everyone)