It is important that your dog is vaccinated annually to prevent against the main canine diseases, these include leptospirosis, parvovirus, canine adenovirus, distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza and bordetella. It is recommended to start the course at 8 weeks of age, followed by another dose at 10 and 12 weeks. Annual boosters are required every year after that. Here are some of the symptoms associated with the diseases:
Severe respiratory infections, vomiting and diarrhoea and sometimes convulsions
Causes severe gastroenteritis often fatal to young puppies especially.
Causes inflammation of the liver
Parainfluenza and Bordetella
Causes infectious cough, sneezing and bronchitis
Affects the liver and or the kidneys and can be transmitted to humans
A progressive and fatal disease that affects the nervous system and can be transmitted to humans with fatal consequences. This is an exotic disease and is required for all animals needing a passport.
They are an excellent way to identify your pet if they decide to explore the great outdoors on their own. They can be easily reunited with you when checked for a chip at the vets, recue centre, or dog warden. It is quick, safe and in expensive and can be inserted without an anaesthetic. Bio therm microchips are a good option for dogs that don't like their temperature being taken as it can be read with the scanner rather than the traditional way.
Daily exercise is very important for your dog, and if you can walk on soft ground it is much better for your dog’s joints.
Parasite Prevention
Regular worming and flea and tick treatment is recommended especially with the risk of Lyme’s disease on the Quantocks and it’s environs. Also with regard to worms it is important to remember that you are unlikely to ever see worms or eggs if they are present in the dogs faeces, as most times you need a microscope to see them.
Geriatric checks
Please come in for a golden oldie health check as dental, arthritis and other problems tend to manifest as your doggie gets a little older.
We recommend a good quality diet for your dog, generally dry is a higher quality than the canned food. Large breed puppies are of special importance as the need special requirements so that their growth rate is not so fast as to damage their size and joints or adult life.
Please speak to your vet or nurse about what is best for your pet. Males are usually from 6 months of age and females from 6 months or 3 months after their first season. Advice can vary depending on a number of factors. No pet is the same!
We strongly recommend insuring your dog. It offers peace of mind should your pet be injured or diagnosed with an ongoing illness that may require lengthy and expensive treatment. Please consult us for advice.
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