We provide our own out of hours service. We look after all our own inpatients and a nurse stays with them overnight when required. This is a very important part of our care for your pets. This way they have constant care over 24 hours.
We believe in providing care to all our pets when they need us. You will be seen at our own practice by our own vets most of the time.If you wish to avail of this service you need to be registered with us. You can do this online or by ringing us on 01823 240 140. From November 2016 we will share our emergency cover with County Vets in Taunton. We alternate weekends, we cover Monday and Thursday and County do Tuesday and Wednesday.
In the event that you do need to phone us in an emergency please phone the practice number 01823 240140, you will have access to our answer service and they will take all the details and the vet on duty will phone you back.
Change in out of hours rota.
Rota change